Hello and welcome to my blog.

A bit about why I write. . .

My favorite job was the time I worked in a bookstore. I needed a part-time job to help support my love of reading and the lady that worked at the store suggested I apply. I got the job and absolutely loved my job. Restocking the shelves gave me the opportunity to see what we had in stock and what was new to our store. The part of my job that brought me the most pleasure was being able to ask the customer a few key questions to figure out what books they might enjoy. It was an adventure for me and a challenge I embraced.

I wrote short stories at the time and sometimes would go into such detail writing a single scene that it was nearly a short story on its own. These were my mini escapes from the heavy weight of reality. When I read fantasy books, I was able to mentally take a break from life and be able to come back somewhat refreshed. Then I was diagnosed with cancer. I was twenty-five. My whole world shifted and I was determined to come out on top.

After I won my battle with cancer, I moved to the Midwest and found my place to grow. When I told my husband I wanted to be a writer, he told me to go for it. I went back to school and shifted my degree for the third time to English and Creative Writing. I’m still attending school but one class at a time so I can write more and raise my three children.

I am a FANTASY reader so it makes sense to write fantasy. I am a fan of vampires, werewolves, dragons, castles, waterfalls, fairies, magic, and pretty much anything fantasy-related. I do read other genres on occasion. I enjoy a good mystery, romance, autobiography, and horror to bring in new ideas or to shift my reading mood a bit. My passion is fantasy. Although, if you ask my inner circle of friends and family, they would tell you my passion is in proper grammar.

That is the Reader’s Digest version of who I am. Check out My Journey page to see what hobbies I indulge in and to see if we have things in common.

It’s a pleasure to meet you. . .

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